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在人民大會堂 見證中非友誼歷久彌堅


作者:王雷濤 耿奇賢 孔垂頔

2024-09-05 18:10:09


齊魯網·閃電新聞9月5日訊 9月5日上午,2024年中非合作論壇峰會在人民大會堂開幕。

The opening ceremony of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) kicks off at the Great Hall of the People on Sept. 5.


Leaders of FOCAC members, representatives of regional organizations in Africa and international organizations have gathered in Beijing for this summit. Themed "Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future", the summit will highlight the common pursuit of China and African countries in realizing modernization.


This is also another grand reunion of the China-Africa family following the 2006 Beijing Summit, the 2015 Johannesburg Summit and the 2018 Beijing Summit of the forum.


In the next three years, China will work with Africa to take ten partnership actions for modernization, including actions for mutual learning among civilizations, for trade prosperity, for industrial chain cooperation and other fields, to deepen China-Africa cooperation and spearhead the Global South modernization.

閃電新聞記者 王雷濤 耿奇賢 報道

英文校對 孔垂頔  

[責任編輯:王雷濤 賈衍杰 梁延菊 韓信]

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