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作者:王雨 耿琰

2024-09-05 20:19:09


齊魯網(wǎng)·閃電新聞9月5日訊 2024年中非合作論壇峰會于9月4日—6日在北京舉行。8月30日,中非共和國總統(tǒng)圖瓦德拉一行首次來到山東訪問。山東廣播電視臺、山東國際傳播中心、閃電新聞客戶端共同推出《大國外交·山東時刻》特別節(jié)目,對中非共和國總統(tǒng)圖瓦德拉先生進行專訪。

The 2024 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) is set to take place in Beijing on September 4th-6th. The August 30th, the President of the Central African Republic and his delegation made their first-ever visit to Shandong. Shandong Radio and Television Station, Shandong International Communication Center, and Shandian News jointly launched a special program 《Great Power Diplomacy - Shandong Moment》, bringing insightful discussions with the President of the Central African Republic.

閃電新聞記者 王雨 耿琰  報道

[責(zé)任編輯:王雨 崔珍珍 梁延菊 韓信]

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